30 Reality Shifting Signs & Symptoms (Or Signs You Will Soon)


🌙 Written by Stefan Zugor, international lucid dreaming expert and teacher. Learn how to lucid dream in 7 days or less.

Ever feel like you are living in an alternative world or that your normal life has suddenly changed into something extraordinary?

You’re not the only one.

People think that shifting realities happen when their view of the world around them changes drastically.

Some people believe it will happen no matter what, while others believe it was fully planned.

Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, there are reality shifting signs and symptoms that suggest that you may actually have changed realities.

Are you curious about whether you’ve shifted realities or not?

Let’s find out!

Reality Shifting Signs

There are signs and symptoms that could help you find the answer to your question. “Did I shift realities?”

reality shifting signs

What Are The Reality Shifting Signs And Symptoms?

There are 30 reality shifting signs, including vivid dreams, deja vu moments, and changes in your environment. If you have experienced more than 3 of these signs, you may have shifted realities.

Before we delve into the reality shifting signs, let’s get to know more about reality shifting.

What is Reality Shifting

This idea is also known as “shifting reality,” which means moving your mind between different worlds or dimensions.

Because of this, it’s often thought to be about thinking of a different self or world that you might like.

Reality shifters are said to think they have the power to shift their awareness to other planes where they can experience adventure while taking a break from the normal paths of life.

Man jumping to the ocean with a donut floater

Shifting realities is not dangerous but it might feel scary for some because it could knock you 10,000 miles away from your comfort zone.

Reality Shifting Methods

Reality shifting can be done in a number of ways, but the most popular ones are programming and visualizing.

To make vision work, you need to picture in great detail the future you want and write it down as a story.

This is where writing comes in. Along with reality checks, meditation, and something called “The Raven Method,” there are other ways that help a person move their mind into other worlds.

With that being said, I have this reality shifting subliminal music that you can listen to every night to help you wake up in your desired reality.

headphone with books in the middle

Who Can Reality Shift 

Being a type of personal opinion or practice, reality shifting is something that anyone could try.

So, it’s not limited to a certain age group, gender, or background.

Still, the effects of change will be different for each person because many people won’t be able to handle the physical and mental changes that come with these kinds of activities.

Reality shifting is something that people who want to learn more about their minds might want to try, but only if they are good at it.

Maybe you’ve shifted realities and have no idea. You’ll find out when we discuss the reality shifting signs.

If you want to discover more about yourself, check out this highly accurate personality and life moon reading based on astrology.

Moon in the night sky

30 Reality Shifting Signs And Symptoms

Here are the 30 reality shifting signs you have probably experienced if you’ve shifted realities.

1: Having Vivid And Lucid Dreams

Having intense dreams is like looking through a window into a different world and is one of the reality shifting signs.

A sleep cycle consists of five stages. Dreams are most likely to occur during REM sleep. 

When you have lucid dreams that are so clear they feel real, you can even control them. It’s like getting a backstage pass to the world of your mind.

This lets you explore deeper parts of your mind, talk to “characters,” and even get messages from your “inner” self. 

If you want to learn how to lucid dreams, I have this lucid breakthrough program that guarantees that you will be able to control your dreams within 2 weeks.

child sleeping on her bed

2: Moments Of Deja Vu

In our language, that’s called deja vu, a strange feeling that makes us think about time and life itself.

Having déjà vu is one of the reality shifting signs that’s like seeing scenes from other worlds or realms where you have already been through this.

This makes it seem like you’re going between different worlds, where the present and the past are mixed together.

3: Changes In Your Environment

Ever feel like something is wrong as you walk down a street you know well but can’t put your finger on it?

Small changes in your surroundings are one of the reality shifting signs. 

The changes could also mean that street names or building designs are changed to something strange or completely new. 

woman sitting in the middle of the woods

4: Having Intuitive Abilities

You could say that intuition is like an unseen inner guide that helps you find your way through life’s turns.

If you trust your gut most of the time, it means that your inner self is connected to something much bigger.

On the edge of our real world, someone gave you a key that opened a treasure box. In this way, they become our guides as we go through the unknown.

5: A Strong Desire To Grow

It’s like the world is telling you to move forward. The universe seems to be telling you that you are ready for the next step in your growth.

Being on the verge of changing your reality is one of the reality shifting signs and it means that you are about to enter a state where improving yourself is both normal and necessary. 

people on a mountain at sunset

6: Changes in Your Friendships

Just as reality changes, so do the people who follow you.

Things change over time, and friends you used to be close to become less close. In their place, new bonds that fit how you’ve changed appear.

The universe seems to be putting you in touch with people you will walk this new path of your life with. This is one of the reality shifting signs.

7: Strange Coincidences

Coincidences are like cosmic winks that show everything is connected.

When strange coincidences start to bother you, you start to understand that the world is made up of a web of signs and symbols.

Having these synchronicities can help you find your way through the maze of changing events. 

woman sitting on a sofa while holding a flower pot

8: Changed Sense of Time

When your sense of time changes, it can feel like you’re messing with the fabric of space and time.

Time can move so quickly that it’s hard to keep up, or it can slow down and give you room to really feel something.

The way time affects you now, in the past, or even in the future may be something you think about. 

9: Deeper Empathy

Empathy is a link between your soul and the soul of other feelings.

One of the reality shifting signs is when your empathy grows. You feel more connected to other people’s feelings, which makes you feel more human.

When you do this, you become very empathetic, which means you feel other people’s feelings almost as if they were your own.

woman comforting another woman

10: Spiritual Awakening

It’s like it opens the door to a different world, one where people are spiritually aware.

You suddenly realize that you’re interested in spirituality, learning how to meditate, and getting to know yourself.

11: Physical Signs That Can’t Be Explained

Your body is like a receiver that picks up the energy of the world. There is something strange going on in your body.

This could be one of the reality shifting signs that indicates the start of a new era in your life, and your body can tell you about it.

It’s a reminder that your physical self is intimately connected to the shifts occurring in your broader existence.

woman holding her chest and abdomen

12: More creative

Being creative can help you find new ways to express yourself.

It’s like your mind is a garden full of plants where your imagination grows new, useful ideas.

You feel like writing, making art, or expressing yourself in some other way is easy.

13. Better Ability To Solve Problems

When you change your world, your natural ability to solve hard problems comes into play.

As if your brain were fully charged. In other words, you might be able to deal with problems in a new, more exact, and creative way.

This makes it easier for you to figure out what’s going on, connect events, and come up with answers.

woman writing on a notebook

14: Heightened Sensory Perception

You are seeing the world through different senses. As they get stronger, it’s like you have a higher level of awareness overall.

Another one of the reality shifting signs is when you feel more in touch with the world and your senses are sharpened.

Sounds are louder, colors are brighter, and smells are stronger. It’s almost like your senses show you a different, deeper level of reality.

15: Changes in Sleep Patterns

When changing, changes in sleep patterns are one of the first signs that reality has started to shift or is about to shift.

It might be hard for you to fall asleep, you might wake up often at night, or you might just need less sleep in general.

It’s possible that this is because of changes going on inside you. 

woman under sheets

16: Attraction to New Hobbies

One interesting thing about reality changing is that all of a sudden, people are drawn to new hobbies and activities they have never tried before.

At this point, it looks like the universe is giving you exciting food. If you’re interested in something new, it can lead to unexpected new situations, and this is one of the reality shifting signs.

Accept that you have new hobbies that have given you a new outlook on life, ways to be creative, and chances to learn more about yourself.

17: Manifestation Abilities

Every time your world changes, so does your power to make your dreams come true.

That’s like being able to get energy from the stream of space and time and make something happen.

Your world and your thoughts become more and more in sync, giving you a clear path to making your dreams come true.

close up of woman lying down with her eyes closed

18: Changes In What You Like To Eat

The way you feel about food changes. You might also change the way you like food, favoring better, more rounded meals.

You’re changing the way you eat, which shows that you want to feed more than just your stomach. This is one of the reality shifting signs.

Your mind also needs food. You think that everything around you supports your happiness and awareness, so you pick foods that help you change.

19. Expanded consciousness

Traveling through various worlds helps you reach this level of awareness, which heightens your understanding of the interconnectedness of everything in reality.

When you look out into the universe, you can see how big it is and how all the connections between people, nature, and the universe are connected.

cat lying down

20: Higher Frequency

As the frequency went up, you could feel resonance at high frequency fields during this change.

You feel like an astronaut who has finally found a new frequency in space: the music of love, peace, and understanding.

21: A stronger sense of emotion

Your emotions take over when the world around you changes. It’s like you’ve been drilled into a never-ending store of emotions.

One of the reality shifting signs is that you feel everything more strongly. It’s great that this kind of emotional power lets people connect deeply, but too much of anything is always bad.

22: Changes in Reality

reality shifting

Before or after getting ready to talk about reality shifts, you might want to read an article or talk to someone.

Things around you are getting you ready for the trip even before you know it.

23: Better abilities to heal

As your life changes, you might discover amazing abilities that can help you get better.

This can show up in a lot of different ways, such as when we work with the energy field around us through Reiki or any other alternative treatment.

24: Letting Go of the Past

Things can change quickly, and you can let go of a lot of the past.

The old grudge, the personal problems you haven’t fixed, and the fears you have about the past are gone.

scrabble pieces spelling let go

25: Empowerment

Because of this, learning how to have some control over the things that happen in your life gives you power.

In this case, you know that you are strong and that you can do anything you want in life.

26: Less materialism

As a person moves into more worlds, material things become less important to them.

As a result, getting rich and having material things decrease. In this case, the things that make you happy in life that you can’t see or touch, like events, connections, and personal growth.

27: Deeper gratitude

You learn to be grateful for even the smallest things in life. You find happiness in the little things that you do every day and think they are beautiful.

Because you live your life so that you are thankful for every moment, it seems like you always feel rich.

rear view of woman with arms raised at the beach

28: Thoughts of Being Led

You have the impression that you are being led by a greater power, your intuition, or even the world. Just put, it’s like being led by a force you can’t see.

This advice makes you feel better because it lets you know that you are not the only one trying to change things.

29: Connection with Nature

Your connection with nature grows as you start your journey in the reality shift.

When you connect with the earth, sky, and other things in nature, you feel calm.

30: Acceptance of Paradoxes

As you go through different worlds, you start to feel at ease with how the strange things work together.

You understand how amazing the mystery of being is and how things exist even though they don’t always make sense.

sun rays peeking through the forest


1: Do You Need A Script To Shift?

You do not have to write a script to switch realities. The shift is experiential and can be carried out in different ways, scripted or unscripted. It is about discovering what works for your situation.

2: What Are The Shifting Methods Without Visualization?

There are also methods of shifting that do not involve visualization, such as utilizing sensuous experiences and emotions or affirmations. For instance, you could use scripting, where you record what you want as a reality, while others may involve using specific objects or cues for alteration.

3: What Are The Shifting Methods For Beginners?

With such a shift, beginners should begin using basic techniques. Some of the widely used methods include ‘The Raven Method,’ ‘The Alice in Wonderland Method’ and the ‘3-2-1 Method.’ Such techniques hardly demand any form of complex visualization, as they are simple for beginners. 

man sitting on rock during sunset

Reality Shifting Methods

Therefore, some of these symptoms may suggest that you are transitioning into another reality or entering a new one. 

Though slightly confusing at first, accepting it wholeheartedly along with curiosity leads to a fascinating adventure. 

As a matter of fact, that is how the universe works, and realities are continuously changing.

If you want to know more about yourself, I recommend taking this free numerology reading.

Those were the 30 reality shifting signs and symptoms. Have you been experiencing any of these signs?

Let me know in the comments!