Our Lucid Dreaming Ebooks, Programs and Courses
Lucid Dreaming Bootcamp Program (Printable Calendar Template And Instructions)
The best lucid dreaming motivation aid for beginners, which takes you step by step through what you’re doing wrong. It comes with a printable template and several Ebooks, showing you what to practice every day for 30 days. START HERE if you’re a beginner and just want to get motivated and get your first few lucid dreams.
The Lucid Breakthrough Program (POPULAR!) – MASTER Your Subconscious
The Lucid Breakthrough Video course is our most detailed lucid dreaming program. I’ve collected LOTS of information from my students over 8 years, and narrowed it down to the most effective things for you. Learn how to MASTER lucid dreaming and have 1-5 lucid dreams per week, RELIABLY.