Support Us
There are a few ways you can support us at, and the lucid dreaming community, if you wish. Here are the main ways you can help us to grow, and at the same time, help the WORLD to know more about this amazing skill.
1: Partner with us
You can send us an email (contact @ howtolucid (dot) com) if you’ve got an idea about how we can work together. We’re offering various ways of partnering up, so send us an email.
- Got a small company or website?
- Social media following?
- Email list?
- Desire to change the world?
- Interested in lucid dreaming?
- Product or sleep aid?
- Let’s chat. Send us an email!
2: Promote our products (and earn money doing it!)
We now have an affiliate program which means you can promote our lucid dreaming ebooks and products, and earn money doing it. This gives you 70% commission on any sales you bring in, and can be a really powerful passive income source for you.
If you have a website, or some friends who are into lucid dreaming, this is a great way to support AND also make yourself some passive income. All instructions and tips are on the affiliate page.
3: Support us on Patreon
This is one of the best ways you could support me and this site. If you enjoy the content I create for you guys, please consider supporting me on Patreon. There are now new tiers, coaching, exclusive video and text content and much more.
Essentially what it is, is a platform where you can support me for as little as $1 a month, but the ongoing support coming in from lots of people really makes a huge difference. It lets me create more content and have more time to answer your emails, questions and to make more stuff for you guys! There are also some special bonuses if you support me on there.
4: Share our posts and interact on social media!
Sharing our articles and website really helps us.
To share, either copy and paste the URL of an article you like into your Facebook or Twitter account. If you’ve read this site for a while and you like what we do, please share our articles with a load of people!
5: Follow our social media channels and comment!
- If you follow our social media channels and comment on our content, it really helps us and I notice and appreciate it. I often reach out to my most loyal commenters and fans, and say thank you and sometimes give free products to!
- YouTube
- Twitter (not used much)