Top 100 Best Things To Do In Dreams Revealed


🌙 Written by Kai Riverstone, international lucid dreaming expert and teacher. Learn how to lucid dream in 7 days or less.

There are lots of things you can do in a Lucid Dream, some people don’t know what to do, or where to start, but there are limitless possibilities. We’ve created a collection of good things to dream about for you, so you can work through it and try them one by one!

Read this post, and you’ll be HOOKED…

You’ll be hooked on the IDEA of lucid dreaming, and you’ll be CRAVING the experience. 

Also, you yes YOU should stick around till the end of the article, because there are some useful tips and tricks at the end, as well as a list of useful resources and tools you can use to lucid dream more! Enjoy!

Table of Contents

The best 100 things to try in a lucid dream

Here are the best things to try in lucid dreams.

These things are in no particular order but there are some CRAZY ones nearer the bottom. Alongside each idea, I’ll describe what it feels like and roughly how to do it. 

Don’t know HOW to lucid dream yet?

If you’re not sure how to actually HAVE a lucid dream, check these links out:

  • Lucid Dreaming Bootcamp: A super effective step-by-step course teaching you how to lucid dream within two weeks or less
  • How to remember your dreams: It’s important to be able to remember the dreams you’re having before starting to play with these lucid dreaming inspirations

how to lucid dream

Add these harmonically coded audio tracks in the mix and you’re well on your way to lucid dreaming whenever you want. These are coded using a sound manipulation process called the Golden ratio so check that out.

Alright, here are the top 100 things to try in your lucid dreams…

1. Fly across the mountains

Flying in a Lucid Dream is probably one of the most fun things you can do, because you can really soar across the sky.

To fly, imagine energy blasting from your feet and pushing you upwards. Funnily enough, although this is one of the most common things people DREAM about, for LUCID dreaming, it’s difficult for lots of people.

How to fly in lucid dreams

  • I created a superhero guide showing you why most people fall and fail during their lucid flights.

2. Teleport to new worlds

Teleporting means to jump from one location to another.

It’s very easy in a dream and you can do this just by thinking about the location you want to jump to, and then spinning around, believing that when you stop spinning you’ll be in the location.

3. Time Travel

Time travel is exciting.

In fact, it’s probably one of the more serious things to do in a Lucid Dream.

You can explore distant civilisations and cultures, and experience a future city in all it’s glory. Imagine the time you wish to travel to, and then step through a Dream portal. Or you could just slow down time.

It can be tricky to do this at first but it’s worth it. You just have to focus. If you’ve been having trouble with focusing, this nootropic may help increase your focus and mental energy. 

4. Meet famous celebrities

You are able to meet anyone you wish in a Lucid Dream, and if you want to meet a celebrity, it’s easy, just imagine the person you want to meet, and then believe they’ll be somewhere, for example, in a house you can see on the street.

To meet them, simply go to the house and find them.

famous lucid dreamers

5. Convince a dream character that he’s in a dream

This is probably the most exciting thing you can do in a Lucid Dream. Go up to a dream character, once you’re Lucid yourself, and really convince him/her that they’re in a dream.

Prove it by bending the laws of physics until the dream character really believes it’s a dream.

What happens next is for you to discover, it’s really amazing! This is an intense one, so be careful when trying this.

6. Talk to long-lost relatives

lucid dreaming

If you’ve lost a relative and would like to talk to them again, you can communicate with your projection of them in a dream.

This means you can talk to them, and they’ll answer based on how you remember them to act.

7. Practice a job interview

Got an important job interview coming up?

A good thing to do in a Lucid Dream is to practice a job interview and get used to the situation. In the dream, conjure up the job, and the situation.

Even adding more people than normal can help as it trains you to speak in front of a large group of people.

Doing this is actually going to help you because Learning skills or practicing things in a Lucid Dream fires the same neurons as actually doing it.

8. Face your fears

You have the chance to face the things that really scare you in life, in a lucid dream.

This is a really good thing to do, because as mentioned in the previous paragraph, learning or doing things in a dream or ‘thinking’ about them fire the same parts of your brain, meaning your mind actually behaves as though you’d done it.

Facing your fears in a dream can help you to eliminate them.

is lucid dreaming real

9. Star in a movie

Want to be a movie star?

Use a Lucid Dream to star in your favourite movie, or even create your own movie and direct it. Just imagine yourself doing it, and it will happen. As mentioned before in a lot of our posts, what you believe you can do in a dream, (and in life), you can.

10. Play an instrument you’ve never played

This is one of the amazing things you can do in a Lucid Dream.

If you’ve seen/heard someone playing an instrument, which most of us have, on youtube, films etc.

Your mind can replicate that and allow you to play any instrument even if you don’t know how. Just pick it up, start moving your hands, and imagine what sounds you want to hear.

lucid dream ideas

11. Listen to dream music

Things in a dream are amplified and vivid, so listening to music in a dream sounds amazing. The emotions, colours and all the slight nuances in music can be enjoyed thoroughly in a Lucid Dream.

12. Eat dream food

Dream food is great. Whatever your favourite food is will have stored something in your mind, a little signature reminding you what it tastes like, and in a dream, you’re able to replicate this but amplify it.

You can eat your favorite food but it will taste so much better, as your mind can make it seem very real, if not more real than waking life.

13. Be good at things you don’t know how to do

Things that you’ve never done before can be easy in a Lucid Dream, as your mind can simulate them. Have you ever skydived? Even if you haven’t, your mind will create an experience based on videos you’ve seen about it.

an acrobat doing tricks on the table

14. Be an acrobat

You can be an acrobat in a dream, and somersault over buildings, jump in and out of tight spaces and have cat like relaxes. Have you seen the film; Catwoman? District 13? You can leap around like these guys in a dream.

15. Experiment with thought control

It must be so interesting to know what people are thinking. To be able to look at them and know exactly without any filtering what they’re thinking and feeling at any one moment.

You can! Just look at a dream character, and imagine your awareness travel through the air into their head.

16. Experience lucid sex

Lucid dream sex is something that can’t easily be explained.

Sogno lucido sesso

If you’ve had sex in real life, you can obviously remember what it feels like, and therefore your mind is able to recreate that feeling and sensation but amplify it.

This is probably the most incredible thing about dreams, your mind can amplify any experience, sensation, emotion or feeling.

17. Become an animal

Want to crawl around the floor like an ant, and see their intricate worlds underground? Or maybe you want to soar above the clouds like a dragon, you can do either.

18. Live on another planet

Travel to Mars!

Time travel in a lucid dream

Fly around on the moon, whatever you want to experience and wherever you want to travel to, you can.

The most interesting planets to visit are ones that you don’t know about yet, the ones where you’re flying through space and your mind invents an entire planet one the spot.

19. See the world from space

The world is a big place, and it looks beautiful from space.

Perfect Lucid Dream Flying and then travel upwards until you go past the atmosphere, then look down on the earth from out there in space. 

You feel pretty small now, right?

20. Relive memories and experiences

little boy riding a carousell

Memories are stored in your mind, and therefore you can recall them in a dream.

One of the more useful things to do in a lucid dream is to relive memories and experiences that you’ve had in your life.

21. Experience powerful Lucid emotions

Emotions are powerful things. Happiness, Joy, and Love, are all positive emotions and they make you feel good.

They make you feel good about your life, and yourself.

Emotions in a Lucid Dream are that much more powerful as you’re directly in contact with your mind, and everything contained within.

22. Change the weather

Create a thunderstorm and then wait for it to pass with a girl you love in a tent. Create a tornado and save a city from destruction. The possibilities are endless. By thinking about the weather you can cause it to change.

23. Make things explode with your mind

Want to release a bit of anger?

Play around with your hand-gun. What we mean by this is to point at a building and imagine it bursting into flames.

After a few nights of practice, you’ll be able to release your anger quite nicely.

24. Live in slow motion

Life is very fast. It’s too fast sometimes, but in a lucid drama, you can slow down a time and live in slow motion.

By doing this you’re able to notice all of the tiny details you might normally miss by being too busy.

25. Slow down time

Slowing time in a dream

Slow down time to really get an understanding of the world and the things that are going on all around you.

Most of life’s great beauties we miss because we’re too busy and don’t focus on them.

Simple things like a sunset, which we normally don’t have time to enjoy. Slow time down and take in the world.

26. Enter dream teleports and mirrors

This is the easiest way to teleport in a Lucid Dream.

Find a mirror, and attempt to walk through it, thinking about where you want to ‘jump’ to on the other side of the mirror. You can use this to jump between worlds and cities.

side profile of.a man with sky background

27. Explore the mind or another dream character

This is linked to mind control. Look at another dream character, for example, your projection of your boss, and enter his mind.

This can help you to understand your true feelings about people in your life, and what you think they feel as well.

28. Change into another character

You can become any character you want. If you want to see what it’s like to be someone else, your friend maybe, or your partner, try this.

It can be good to become more empathic with people, and to relate to them and how they feel.

29. Create some art

woman painting on mirror

Many famous pieces of art have been created in a Lucid Dream, and you can do the same!

If you know roughly how to draw or paint, try doing it in a Lucid Dream, and then when you wake, try to recreate it.

30. Write some dream music

If you play an instrument, you can write a song or piece of music in a Lucid Dream.

The song will be hard to recreate win real life, as it’s never quite the same, but several people have created music in a Lucid Dream and then replicated it when they woke up.

Learning music in a dream

31. Transform into the opposite sex

Want to know what it’s like to be the opposite gender? Well, you can try this without the need for painful or expensive surgery!

In the same way that you can teleport by thinking about the location and then spinning, you can focus on the opposite sex and then when you stop spinning, you’ll be him/her!

32. Survive a Zombie Invasion

Do you enjoy a good zombie film? We do. there’s nothing more fun than surviving a zombie apocalypse in a Lucid Dream and putting your superpowers to work!

Be careful with this one though, as if you lose focus, it can easily turn into a nightmare, and that can be scary.

zombie invasion

33. Be a zombie

Turn the tables a bit, and actually be a zombie in an invasion. Just try and survive. Get to see how zombies live instead of just seeing them get shot in horror films!

34. Take a mystery dream pill

If you find a pill in a Lucid Dream, take it. You will be surprised as to what happens when you do.

Make sure you’re Lucid, we’re not saying to just take any pills you find in waking life!

Make sure it’s a dream and experiment with it. You might find that you grow a pair of wings, or are transported to another universe.

35. Experience a negative situation

couple breaking up

This might not sound as attractive as the others on this list, but if you experience a negative situation, for example, losing your job, or breaking up from your relationship.

Then you’ll have that experience in your mind and if either of those actually happened, you’d be slightly better equipped to deal with it.

In fact I wrote a guide on how to HAVE nightmares, for those who WANT a scary or negative experience. This is for horror fans I guess. 

36. Make a friend in the dream

Find a dream character and become friends with them. don’t worry about flying around or anything like that, just enjoy the experience, and improve your social skills on them! Practice being confident and speaking with clarity.

37. Find your dream guide

Flying in a lucid dream

One of the most important things to do in a Lucid Dream is to find your dream guide.

The easiest way to do this is to shout out to the dream; ‘Where is my dream guide’ and he/she should appear sooner or later.

When someone does appear, double check, and ask them; ‘Are you my dream guide’. If they say yes 3 times, they really are.

38. Be Electro from The Amazing Spiderman 2 and ‘See’ energy

Have you seen The Amazing Spiderman 2? The character Electro is able to control electricity and fly around shooting lightning bolts at things.

It’s very fun to play around with, Especially if you like flying. You can also become any superhero you want!

39. Be your favorite superhero

kid wearing a superman costume

Don’t just take our idea, you can become any character from any film, heroes or villains.

Want to become Batman? Spiderman? You just have to think about it and then spin around, or pass through a dream portal.

When you come out the other side, you’ll be that character.

40. Explore the ocean and Breathe underwater

If you like nature and wildlife, you’ll love this one. None of the laws of physics apply here.

One of the coolest things to do in a Lucid Dream is to bend the laws of physics. You can experience zero gravity, breathe underwater, fly, etc.

girl breathing underwater

41: Predict the lottery

This is a little debatable but there is a way you can use lucid dreaming to predict the winning lottery numbers

It’s not quite hat you’re expecting, but it has to do with waveform reality, manifestation and focusing on your goals. Well worth a read, and it’s always worth a try.

42: Travel to burgon

Another one that showcases the power of your mind to create something out of nothing. Find a spaceship crew and ask them to take you to a random planet name.

Just make up the name and tell them to take you there, speaking as if it existed and everyone knew where it was.

They’ll take you somewhere random, but because it’s random you’ll get to see your beautiful mind creating a new planet or city.

Really quite impressive.

I’ve been in so many lucid dreams where I’ve just sat back and thought ‘Wow, my mind is really spectacular, to be able to create such complex detail on the fly like this’.

To find a spaceship crew, try and go to places where they would naturally be like near an airport, or wherever would make sense for them to be.

You can also use dream portals by finding a door and expecting to arrive at the spaceship on the other side of the door.

43: Become an iPhone app

Don’t always try and become real things like people or animals!

iphone on a glass table

You can also become a software process. Let me explain.

Your mind as we’ve covered in the science section, is capable of demonstrating concepts or processes to you in ways that you can’t see or visualize easily in real life.

It can SHOW you what a software process does by making you into the software.

A dream can make you understand how a complicated digital process works by making you into the process.

It’s hard to describe how or why it works, so I’ll let your mind show you this one!

Just shout out to the dream; ‘I want to see how Facebook works’ or ‘Show me how the banking system functions’. Sounds boring but the actual experience you’ll get from that is second to none.

44: Go on a tiny adventure

hand holding a tiny turtle

Not all adventures have to be massive and lived through your own body.

Try becoming a tiny version of yourself and running around your house!

See how different everything is when you’re tiny, and see how it feels to be the tiny ant that you so unknowingly step over (or on) every day.

Your bookshelf could become a mountain, and your carpet, a jungle. Take the adventure that lays before you, and explore the places you know in tiny form!

45: See what the 4 walls have seen

Become the 4 walls of your house and go back in time to see what they’ve seen over the years.

Maybe someone has died in your house? See all the beautiful memories, conversations, and things that have happened in the 4 walls of your own house (or any other house).

sunset reflecting on walls

You can do this for any building really, but I like to focus on big important buildings that have gone through lots of changes and been around a long time.

Places like The Great Pyramids and other landmarks that have seen a lot.

46: Becoming the opposite sex

Ever wondered what it would be like to become the opposite sex/ gender? Well, now you can without the expensive and difficult surgery, and you could do it every night if you wanted.

This is an interesting way of seeing how you truly feel about the other gender/sex and you’re able to see your subconscious beliefs about what life is like on the other side!

47: Grow a forest with your hands

a foggy forest with tall trees

You can create life in exactly the same way you’d destroy it in lucid dreams. One of the most fun things to do is to grow things like trees or forests with your mind powers.

Look at the ground in front of you and imagine the energy and life force coming for the ground, through your body, through your hand and into the place you’re looking at.

Imagine the life force building a life form like a tree, and then speed it up.

You can grow an entire forest in seconds, and you can even move your hand the other way to reverse the process and see the tree grow back into the ground.

48: Experience more limbs

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have 4 arms or a tail. You can now! Imagine yourself growing a new limb by just picturing what it would feel like to have the limb grow out from inside you.

a man's feet on a river

Feel the energy push from inside you outside as the limb or body part grows out of you.

You’ll find that strangely, you already know how to use the limb and how to move it as if you’ve always had it.

Your mind and body-mind connection is a very intelligent part of you. It’s able to instantly learn how to use a new limb by just copying how you use your existing limbs!

49: Become invisible and spy on people!

Ever wanted to just turn invisible so that no one can see you or tell you what to do?

View the secret life of people and dream characters by just becoming invisible. It will feel vivid and real, and you’ll be able to instantly walk through walls as well.

Spy on your friends, and neighbors, or just walk right into the president’s room and listen in on his conversations!

man eavesdropping through the door

You can do anything when you’re invisible, and no one can catch you.

Just be careful that you keep your mind lucid because being invisible can quickly fade, and if you THINK people can see you, they will be able to!

50: Get trapped, and then try and escape

In waking life, a very common hobby now is to go to certain places that have what’s called ‘escape rooms’.

These are cleverly designed physical puzzles and traps that you have to try and escape once you’ve been locked in!

They’re a great way to have a bit of fun and improve your problem-solving skills.

You can practice this in a lucid dream also! Tell a dream character to lock you up, or do something bad and get yourself arrested by the lucid police.

woman opening a red door

Now you’ve got to try and escape! What will you use? A lockpick?

How will you find your way out?

100 things to do in lucid dreams

If you want to know the OTHER 50+ things, I’ve created an Ebook called 100 Things To Do In Lucid Dreams which is pretty self explanatory. The book goes into LOTS more detail on these things too.

It gives you many ideas and inspiration for things to try in lucid dreams. If you liked this post, you’ll love that.

Except for each one, I have a detailed explanation of HOW to do it, as well as what it feels like and other details. You can get the book on Amazon here BUT don’t click that just yet.

If you buy the Lucid Dreaming BOOTCAMP course mentioned below, you’ll get this book for FREE as a bonus.

a book with a pen in the middle of the pages

So it’s up to you which way you do it. If you JUST want the 100 things to do, get it on Amazon. If you want to learn to lucid dream AND get it for free, see below. 

How to make SURE you lucid dream

If you’re really serious about learning to control your dreams and you REALLY want it to happen, you need to build up the HABITS you’ll need to lucid dream.

These are very important, and learning the wrong things will mean you’ll waste HOURS. 

I recommend this lucid dreaming supplement to help you lucid dream. But if you’re still having a hard time, then it’s time you join the boot camp. 

I created a highly effective step by step Lucid Dreaming BOOTCAMP course that FORCES you to lucid dream. If you don’t lucid dream within 2 weeks, you can get your money back.

woman's hand holding cash

Here’s some of what you’ll learn in the bootcamp course: 

  • Exactly what to practice, which techniques, reality checks, exercises, and ideas you should do on specific days for 30 days (and how to do them) so you can just save loads of time
  • It’s like I’m taking you by the hand as if I were there coaching you personally (which would cost several hundred dollars and take lots of time). Many students love the boot camp because it feels like I’m personally helping them do all of this, and making it less confusing!
  • Learn why lots of people read lucid dreaming books but can’t ACTUALLY have a lucid dream because they don’t build up the habits they need in the right way. They practice the wrong things that actually stop them from being able to lucid dream! (Plus a lot of common lucid dreaming books teach stuff that doesn’t work, you’d be surprised)
  • Some simple and effective ways to set up your dream journal properly so you can easily refer back to old dreams, and a simple trick you can use to make sure that you always know what works best for you (Almost no one does this for some reason)
  • The strange but powerful meditation technique you can do to have more lucid dreams every week (and it only takes 30 seconds)

man meditating

  • The most common reality checks and how to do them so you can test whether you’re awake and naturally lucid dream most nights (Even when you’re not putting in much effort, or haven’t been practicing)
  • The weird ‘island visualization’ technique I created to help you drift into a lucid dream much faster than normal, and stay in your lucid dreams for much longer than most people!
  • Specific lucid dreaming induction techniques and the BEST way to practice them (This includes the Wake back to bed, the induced lucid dream, the Mnemonic induced lucid dream, and lots more, but with my unique TWIST to make them more effective!)
  • A way of talking to yourself that will give you lucid dreams and ensure that you KEEP having lucid dreams. It’s almost like you’re training your own brain to have MORE of the experiences you want!
  • Exactly WHEN to practice each specific thing! I’ll tell you on each specific day, what techniques, ideas and methods you need to practice or think about on that day to lucid dream. It’s like I’m personally coaching you and making SURE you have a lucid dream!
  • And remember, you can do these exercises and techniques in as little as 3-5 minutes per day (Of course, you could spend longer if you want, it’s up to you and how much free time you have, but it can and will work with just 3 minutes per day)

Get the step by step Lucid Dreaming BOOTCAMP course that FORCES you to lucid dream. This will work for you, even if nothing you’ve tried before has worked. Don’t take my word for it, read the huge load of reviews on the page.