Contact Us: Read This First
Before you email me, please read this page carefully. There are a lot of people who email asking questions that could easily be answered by just reading this page. Please take the time to read through this.
To get in touch, please first READ BELOW to see if I have links and answers for you already.
Then if you’re sure you need to email, send a message to ‘contact@ howtolucid DOT com’. I wrote it like that to stop spammers copying and pasting it too fast! Just change it to the actual email and send a message.
Questions About Lucid Dreaming
If you have a question about lucid dreaming regarding how to get started, techniques, problems, sleep paralysis, anything like that, PLEASE read the Lucid Dreaming FAQs page first! The vast majority of questions about lucid dreaming are answered there.
If you’ve TRIED to lucid dream but nothing has worked, I STRONGLY suggest getting my Lucid Breakthrough course. That will pretty much solve 95% of your issues and help you lucid dream, even if nothing else has worked before.
If you are after free/paid lucid dream coaching, it’s not something I offer at this time.
To be honest, 95% of questions about lucid dreaming are answered in the FAQ I linked to above. And for anything else, I’m pretty sure I have a video about it on my channel, or my video course teaches you how to do it.
If you’ve tried absolutely everything, I would strongly suggest you get my Lucid Breakthrough Program. It’s a video course I created specifically for people who have tried everything and feel like giving up.
Business Requests/Advertising, Partnerships, Collabs etc..
Business requests, regarding using our content for articles, films, documentaries, etc or requests about purchasing advertisement space on this site; make this clear in the first line of the email, and the subject line, by writing ‘Business’. Then give a short description of your request.
I do have a very simple affiliate program, if that’s what you’re interested in.
You can read more about it here, and sign up in just a few minutes.
I Have A Problem With Something On The Site
If you have an issue with any of the content on this site: Pictures, Articles, Videos that we’ve used, we’ll be more than happy to sort this issue out. Please get in touch with your concerns, and we’ll fix it. Email.. contact AT howtolucid DOT com.
You Want Me To Make A Video For You
If you’d like your question answered in a video, here are some tips:
- Make sure you let me know if you’d like me to make it anonymous or not when I create it
- Try and give me a question that hasn’t already been answered on the channel (do a search first to make sure)
- Be patient, if I don’t reply, it either means the question has already been asked, or I’ve put it on my to do list and will make a video about it sometime in the next few weeks or months
- If you want to make SURE I see and respond to your question, consider becoming a patron of and getting exclusive videos, content and perks. I prioritise my patrons for email replies, advice and support. This is because I have limited time and I feel it’s more fair to give most of my time to the people supporting this website and channel
You Want Support Or Help With A Purchase or Order
This is actually something that’s easy to fix.
If you want help with a specific order or purchase, please first try and use the ‘lucid chat bot’ I created.
I programmed it to walk you through a range of problems and situations, and help with accessing or refunding things if you need. You can find it here.
If you need help FINDING your purchase, please search your email inbox and spam folders for a message from either, or ‘clickbank’. It might have been hidden gone to a spam folder in your email inbox. Also if you’ve bought more than one thing, sometimes email boxes ‘stack’ multiple emails from the same sender in one ‘thread’. Double check this.
Please be patient for a reply. I get a lot of messages and it might take me a while to get back to you. Please make sure you’ve checked everything on this page, because MOST things are answered by either this page, my lucid chat bot or the lucid dreaming FAQ page.
Contact Us!
Hey! I’m Kai Riverstone and I run this site. Message Me. Expect A Response Within 24 Hours | Contact (AT) – OR, Reach out to me on FB or Instagram.