The Best Lucid Dreaming Udemy Course Is Here!


🌙 Written by Kai Riverstone, international lucid dreaming expert and teacher. Learn how to lucid dream in 7 days or less.

I’ve spent a LONG time filming and creating a lucid dreaming Udemy course for you guys, and I’d just liek to share some more information about it here, so you can see what goes on! 

Long story short, Udemy is an online learning platform which lets people upload and teach video courses online. I’ve ALWAYS found it much easier to teach lucid dreaming either in person or through video, simply because you can more easily explain what you mean and visually show people things.

Get a discount on my Lucid Udemy course: If you want a huge discount on this course, you can use coupon code ‘HOWTOLUCID’ if you click here! This is limited by the way, so once these coupons have been used up, they’re gone!

So I got to work creating the most detailed Udemy course on lucid dreaming I could possibly create. But it took AGES. It took me months to create and in fact, it’s still not completely finished, but I’ll be adding to it over the next few months. I’ve included so much information and teachings in this video course and it’s all available now online for a TINY price!

My lucid dreaming Udemy course

So as I said, I’ve created this course, and the videos are high quality. I’ve tried to make them as good as I possibly can, but they will be similar to my talking style on YouTube. I’ve tried to make SURE that every video in the Udemy course is much higher quality and has more detailed information than any of my YouTube videos.

This is because I want Udemy students to feel like they’re getting a good deal and feel like they’re learning something that they couldn’t learn anywhere else. There’s a lot of free information about lucid dreaming out there, (a lot of it is content I put out like posts and videos) but I wanted this to be a special, exclusive course.

What makes it different to other courses and products

By the way, my Udemy course is called ‘The Ultimate Guide To Lucid Dreaming‘ which is something I’ve had in the todo list for a few years actually. It was going to be a course on my website but I thought Udemy was a better place to reach more people and share the lucid dreaming message further.

So what actually makes my course different or better than the others on there or on the internet? Well, and don’t take this the wrong way because I have a HUGE respect for other lucid dreaming teachers and course owners, but I truly believe I’ve taught the most effective and concise methods for lucid dreaming.

I think there’s a lot of waffle out there on the internet, and I’ve always liked distilling my messages and what I teach into small, easier to understand chunks. So the course is DETAILED but at the same time it’s concise. You’re learning a LOT in a little time, and I think that’s important because a lot of people don’t have time to spend hours watching videos, and that’s why in each video I give you something to DO and practice TODAY.

Why I wrote this blog post

I wrote this blog post because as with any platform, it’s very hard to get started on Udemy and if you don’t ALREADY have lots of sales and reviews, not many people will see your course, so I wrote this to give more of an insight into how much effort I put into it, and how it can help you.

One of the main things Udemy does really often and well is discounts and coupons, and so although this course is WORTH about $200 or more (There are HOURS of high quality content and free bonuses) it’s OFTEN on sale for a lot less than that, especially if you find a coupon code for it (see the bottom or top of this post)

So if you’re reading this because you’re LOOKING for a Udemy course on lucid dreaming, or even just a video course in general, help me out, and help yourself out by getting the Ultimate Guide To Lucid Dreaming. I’m always on hand to answer any questions you might have, and you’re getting a great deal of value!

Some of my videos

If you aren’t ready to get the course, here are some of my videos you can watch for free (Make sure to subscribe here!), and hopefully you can see how I explain things and how I try and be more personal and direct in my videos. I think it makes it easier to understand someone when they’re personal, direct and concise.

Get a discount on my Lucid Udemy course: If you want a huge discount on this course, you can use coupon code ‘HOWTOLUCID’ if you click here! This is limited by the way, so once these coupons have been used up, they’re gone!