MASSIVELY Improve Your Sleep Quality And Habits By Getting 1-1 Sleep Quality Coaching With Guy (Improve Your Sleep) Has Now Partnered With A Very Effective, Amazing ‘Sleep Coach’ to Offer You 1-1 Personal Sleep Coaching!

If you’re having trouble with:
Energy levels during the day
Falling and staying asleep at night
Not remembering your dreams
Not getting enough deep and REM sleep
Feeling restless

You would probably benefit from improving your sleep, using sleep coaching. Click the button below to book a taster session with our preferred sleep coach, Guy. 

Introducing Guy, The Sleep Coach!

Introducing: Guy D. Matityahu: a sleep expert, dreamworker, psycho-herbalist, and altered states of consciousness facilitator. He’s now our preferred sleep coach, and if you book through this site, you can secure a huge discount. 

He’s located in the San Francisco Bay Area, but you can get online remote coaching anywhere in the world.

As a young man, he completed a B.A. degree in Behavioral Science (Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology) at The Academic College of Tel Aviv–Yaffo, Israel.
He went on to study Spiritual Psychotherapy, Clinical Nutrition, and Clinical Herbalism at Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicine.
He got certified as a Meditation Instructor and Hypnotherapist (also at Reidman).
He received a Sleep Science Coach Certification from Spencer Institute.
He studied Chemistry at San Francisco State University.
Since there are no formal Sleep Medicine education for non-physicians, he used (and still uses on a daily basis) medical textbooks and scientific journals to learn the field on his own.

Why Would You Need A Sleep Coach?

A sleep coach like any coach, is a very powerful way to help you make changes in your life.

If you’re not getting the sleep quality you WANT and need, a coach can you help you see exactly where you’re going wrong. I’ve been studying sleep and dreams for years and Guy helped me see some very important things that I’ve missed. It’s so useful to have a third party look at your situation and tell you their unbiased opinion about it.

I have personally been able to MASSIVELY improve my sleep from the action plan Guy made me.

My Sleep Story

I (Stef) got an action plan from Guy and was very surprised to see the suggestions. Things I hadn’t really thought about doing, but I tried them out. Like many people I’ve been tracking my sleep for over a year using Oura ring, before that I used apple watch.

Long story short, I started doing the things Guy suggested and my readiness scores improved, my daily DEEP and REM sleep increased, and I was able to actually do this while waking up EARLIER (6:30AM) and spending LESS time in bed.

Having more time in the day is so valuable for me, so this was a huge win.

Where To Start? – The Sleep Action Plan

Guy provides a ‘sleep audit’ action plan first.

I like to think of this like the ‘low hanging fruits’, where you can the BIGGEST results from the smallest changes to your routine.

This is where you fill out a very detailed survey/questionaire, telling him everything about your sleep patterns, habits, routines, diet and many more things. If you ARE tracking your sleep using an Oura or Fitbit that data is also included.

From there, The action plan he creates for you gets divided into 4 parts:
The first part will summarize the sleep data you provided him, and insights on the answers you provided.
The second part includes those interventions (changes you should make) which he believes are critical for the success of your sleep program.
The third part will include interventions that MIGHT help. These are extra things you can do, if you want to that MIGHT help further
Finally, he will include the modified schedule which he is recommending for you, in place of your current schedule. This is a detailed and highly personalised daily and weekly routine with some changes to massively improve your sleep quality
I actually managed to get you a $50 discount on the action plan, to get you started. I can’t stress how valuable and important it is to improve your sleep. Not only will your health improve in every area, but you’ll have more time, and more energy to use during that time.

IMO, start with the action plan. It’s a one time audit of your sleep and gives you a clear, detailed step by step action plan.

Contact Guy now and get your sleep action plan discount ($50+ off)!

Click the button below to book a taster session with our preferred sleep coach, Guy.

Ongoing Sleep Coaching (If Needed)

Guy offers ongoing monthly sleep coaching if you need it. But in my opinion, get the action plan ‘audit’ done first, and make the changes.

You’ll see a HUGE improvement in your sleep and then you can discuss ongoing coaching from there. He’s a really great guy (pun intended) and I think he’ll help you out a lot!

To be honest, this coaching is literally the best thing I’ve done to improve my sleep. I’ve read books, tried various things but it wasn’t until I got this action plan and REALLY put in the work to implement these things, that my sleep improved.

I can’t recommend it highly enough which is why HowToLucid has partnered with Guy and The ‘Dream Merchant Shop’ to provide this coaching and discount for you.

Try it out for yourself!