Morning Sidekick Journal REVIEW 2025: HabitNests Best Journal


🌙 Written by Kai Riverstone, international lucid dreaming expert and teacher. Learn how to lucid dream in 7 days or less.

So I’ve been using the morning SIDEKICK journal from Habitnest for a while now, and I thought I’d write a review of it. 

For those who don’t know, Habit nest make awesome custom journals and coaching books.

I call them ‘coaching books’ because that’s essentially what they are, they’re like having a personal coach with you every single day for 60 days. It’s not like those custom journals you can find online where it’s just a template that’s been quickly put together,

These are high quality.

Every single page has unique content, specific to that day. I found that it really did feel like I was being coached by a personal development consultant for the time I used it. I’m still working through it but so far, this is excellent.

I’ll update this page as I work my way through the journal, and I’ll add videos to this when I’ve made one as well.

What is the morning sidekick journal?

The morning sidekick journal is a daily journal that you write in to encourage you to build good morning habits.

The habits can be meditation, waking up early, or a mixture of things. It helps you actually take action on your goals and dreams in the morning. Those goals can be anything you like really. 

Here’s a few of the things I like to do when I wake up early: 

  • Learn Spanish
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Meditate
  • Write my dreams down
  • Do some writing
  • Record a podcast episode

And so on. I like to wake up early, anywhere between 5 to 5:30AM, and get on with things.

And that’s where this journal comes in useful, it helps you stay on track, stay focused, and stay motivated.

But how? 

How does the journal work?

The morning sidekick journal works by coaching you through each day as if you were REALLY being coached through each day. 

It has quotes, tips, links to videos and podcasts, motivational stories and bits of information, and loads more.

It’s been tailored to the specific days, and it’s been refined by a team of experts. It’s really cool, and one of the first things I noticed when I got this was how much effort and research has gone into making this.

I’m going to be using it to help me stay motivated while I complete my 90 day challenge of doing my ‘miracle morning’ routine. The routine involves waking up before 5:30AM every day, learning some Spanish and a load of other things as well. 

Why is it better than others?

What I really like about the morning sidekick journal is that it’s not just a copy and paste job. It contains a lot of high quality information and it’s really good for keeping you on track. There are no two bits of content in the journal that are the same.

It’s all unique, interesting and useful. Right from the start, and even in the first few pages, you get a sense of being coached. I got a sense of ‘YEAH I’m going to do this!’. It draws you in. 

What don’t I like about it?

I guess the only thing I didn’t like too much was that it didn’t talk much about WHAT you should do in the morning. I guess that’s left up to you, but I’d have liked to see some more stuff in there about specifically what people could do in the morning when they wake up.

I know that people need to have their own reason for doing it, but maybe some suggestions like read, learn something, work on a side business, meditate etc. Maybe these things are in there and I haven’t noticed I haven’t read it cover to cover yet because I want to experience every day ON the day I write in it.

How to use the morning sidekick journal

I’d suggest you use it in the same way I’m going to be using it, just write in it every single morning. Write in it, and follow the steps and exercises it gives you every morning.

The exercises are sometimes the same as the previous day and sometimes different. Just go along with it, and do what it says. It makes it more fun and interesting to not know WHAT you’re going to be doing the next morning.

And for that reason, please don’t read ahead! Only read one page a morning, so that you never know what you’re going to be doing the next morning. I made the mistake of reading ahead a few pages and now I already know what I’m in for so it’s not as exciting.

But don’t read more than the day you’re on. And when you write in the journal, REALLY be honest with what it’s asking you. If it asks you what you think are your two main distractions, be honest.

No one else is going to see your journal, so it makes sense to be honest. You’ll get the most out of it that way. 

Also, make sure to check out the extras that are included too. When you buy one, they also send you a free PDF version with links and extra things. There are links to videos, articles, resources and podcasts etc.

It’s very interactive in that sense, and you can always learn more. There are links and references to inspiring or motivating podcast episodes, talks, and quotes. It’s a very immersive and motivating journal!

Why keep a journal?

Well, if you’re a reader of howtolucid, you’ll know that you should be keeping a dream journal anyway. It’s a great way of remembering your dreams and having more lucuid dreams.. 

But this is NOT a dream journal. 

This is a journal to keep your waking life on track more. You should still write your dreams down in the morning, but this habitnest journal is more for getting you to be motivated to smash your goals. It’s for people who want to get things done in their life, but don’t really know where to start.

One of the most useful things I’ve been doing over the last few years is keeping a daily journal. It lets me see where I’m going wrong, what I’m doing right, and how to improve. Not just at little things but also big things and how close I am to my goals.

It lets me look back and see what went wrong/right in each day. 

Morning sidekick journal discount code

If we manage to negotiate any discount codes for you guys, we’ll include them here. Currently I don’t know of any discount codes for the morning sidekick journal, but I’ll hopefully get some from Habitnest and leave them here. 

Make sure to bookmark this post and come back later to see if there are any discounts. Or you could just get the journal now, it’s already pretty cheap!

Best journal from Habitnest?

I think this is probably the best journal Habitnest make. That’s only because I LOVE waking up early and getting things done, and I think that habit can lead into so many others. 

When you wake up early in the morning and have a routine, it’s MUCH easier to go to the gym, eat healthier, meditate or anything else. It leads TO other habits and makes them easier to build.

And for that reason, I’d say the morning sidekick journal is the best journal that Habitnest make. It’s certainly the most important in my opinion. I’ll be reviewing the meditation journal as well but my main focus is on the morning journals.

I already meditate every morning, so it’s just a case of sticking with the early wake up time and making sure to get everything done in my routine. I think the morning sidekick is going to be a MASSIVE help for that, and it keeps it interesting as well.

It’s not just another blank page that you write in every morning. It’s something different every morning, a new tip, story or exercise. And I think that’s VERY motivating for people wanting to wake up early and SMASH their goals.