The Best 11 Binaural Beats In 2025 Compared And Reviewed


🌙 Written by Kai Riverstone, international lucid dreaming expert and teacher. Learn how to lucid dream in 7 days or less.

There are plenty of stores out there that sell brainwave entertainment products (BWE), but you should know that NOT all of them are equal. That’s why, today, I am going to tell you about the guaranteed best binaural beats stores that you will ever find online in 2025.

But here’s the thing:

These stores also offer trials, as well as free samples, in exchange for your email, so you should try and take advantage of that as soon as possible. You are also eligible to receive discounts for some of their future products this way.

Best binaural beats on the internet


This list isn’t in any particular order, and any links will open in new tabs.

In most cases clicking the link will give you a discount or a free trial of the beats packages. To save you some time if you just want to know the BEST binaural beats and don’t want to read the whole post, click the links below to go to their websites or to read our detailed reviews of each binaural beats provider.

Oh, before reading much more you should read the post I wrote about how to use binaural beats for maximum benefits, you’ll get SO MUCH more out of these tracks if you follow those tips! Okay onwards.. 

Summary of the top binaural beats:

  1. Binaural Beats Meditation (or read our review of them)
  2. Ennora (Or read our review)
  3. Iawake Technologies
  4. Unexplainable store (read our review of them here)
  5. Holosync (Or read our review!)
  6. HemiSync binaural beats
  7. BlissCoded Sound (or read our review of them)
  8. MP3 meditation club
  9. Deep zen meditation
  10. Free binaural beats on YouTube
  11. Brainwave Alchemy (or read my review of them)

1: Binaural Beats Meditation

First, we are starting the list out with This is at the top of the list, and for good reason. Out of all the stores I’ve found and used, the production quality of the music Is by far, the very best.

And in fact, there are plenty of therapists, as well as alternative medical institutions that use their very music in their own treatments. The store is solely run by meditation and/or entertainment enthusiasts, and you can see this best in action in the level of their customer service.

Personal favorites from this store include Deep Meditation, Zen Focus, Chill Pill, Spiritual Awakening and Anxiety Release.

Another great recommendation is Memory Enhancer, which is a 40Hz Gamma track that can help you with any cognitive decline and maintain a better memory. One of the greatest things about this store is that each and every download has a 30-minute and a 1-hour version.

And there are some products where you can get an extra version too, like with the Serotonin boost. Their best value is definitely the Mega Meditation Pack that has 12 downloads, for just $59.99. They also often have discounts, like the current one that will last all throughout this month, which means that you can get this pack for $47.99. Finally, you can also find smaller packs at great value. All their downloads are also available to buy separately at $9.95 too, but with these discounts, it works out much cheaper.

Check them out right now or read our review of their bianural beats first!

2: Ennora binaural beats

Second on the list is Ennora. The audios that you can find at Ennora are well-produced and give great results.

Among the brainwave entertainment products community, the best track of all time is considered to be God Consciousness. However, it is an acquired taste, since it’s just rainfall and some serious vibrations. They also have a similar deal to the previous store, that’s called the Super Pack, which has 12 downloads for $43.

Personal favorites here include Crystal Clear Mind and Stress Release.

You can also buy these recordings in packs of two, or separately as single downloads. They are also another website with great customer service, as they always reply within a day to any issue or question that you may have. The only downside with this store is that their selection is not that big, but the things that they do have are all great.

Check them out right now or read our review of their bianural beats first!

3: IAwake technologies binaural beats

Then, we have iAwake Technologies. Some of the stuff in this store is really good, like The Profound Meditation Program, Audio Serenity and Deep Delta.

But then you have products like Sound Asleep which don’t have the greatest production. However, their Biofield Entertainment makes them one of the stores that pushes the boundaries of brainwave entertainment, which sometimes results in experimental products that aren’t necessarily ready for a commercial release.

But the best thing about this brainwave entertainment product store is that their main focus is joy, emotional freedom and peace. According to their biofield healing, which is a spiritual science, the human body is surrounded by an energy field, also known as aura, that reflects the current condition of a person’s body and spirit.

A person is able to repair and rebalance these energy fields which then brings them healing in both body and mind.

You can do this with Reiki, polarity balancing, Shen therapy, therapeutic touch and some forms of color therapy. So if you are struggling with any emotional issues or negative energy, that are preventing you from feeling happy, you really should check out iAwake’s products.

Check them out right now!

4: Unexplainable store brainwave entrainment

Next up is The Unexplainable Store. This store sells binaural beats for nearly everything you can come up with. Although their production quality isn’t as great as the top two choices, they do have a great variety of sounds.

To put it simply, this store caters to the pseudoscientific side of brainwave entertainment. And you can have plenty of mind exploration here. Their list is nearly endless, which also makes it really fun. You can also get some of their stuff with their discount deals, because this can quickly become a very expensive hobby. They also have a lot of binaural beats with affirmations, that target self-confidence and a success and prosperity mindset. You can also find isochronic tones here, if you’re looking for an alternative to binaural beats.

Check them out right now or read our review of their bianural beats first!

5: Holosync

Finally, we have Holosync. This store has all the credentials, if you’re going after a proven ‘binaural beats system’.

They have a tried and tested program that’s been used by hundreds of thousands of people in the span of over 14 years. Although it’s a bit dated nowadays, it’s championed by many, and it’s a must have in your collection.

They use six different levels that help activate your ‘peak performance’ states. That includes deep meditation, increased sensitivity, a sense of wellbeing, razor-sharp focus and even heightened problem solving and total relaxation.

This store also focuses on eliminating any negative feelings and behaviours, along with all the problems that they create in life, by naturally stimulation the production of brain chemicals. These chemicals make you happier, increase your longevity and cognitive decline. They also have plenty of research that back up all of these claims, along with their thousands of happy customers.

Check them out right now or read our review of their binaural beats first!

6: HemiSync

Hemi Sync is a fairly NEW addition to this list but one that’s very effective.

These allow you to sync up the two halves of your brain enabling deep meditative states and transformations of brainwave activity. Very powerful, but hard to summarise and explain in just a few lines. Check out our review of Hemi Sync binaural beats to learn more. 

7: BlissCoded Sound

BlissCoded sound is a special one, because they’re not really binaural beats at all. 

In fact, they’re meditation audio tracks, based on sacred geometry. The way this works, is based on the idea that numbers and patterns run through everything in life. Everything has a pattern or numbers. 

And this has been called the ‘golden ratio’. You may have heard of this in other forms, like the fibonacci sequence.

Anyway, this company have created audio tracks based on this sacred geometry, and the results are mind blowing. Just listening to their free trial or sample on their site will give you goosebumps.

Try it out for free here, or read our detailed review of Blisscoded sound.

8: MP3 meditation club

There’s not much to see about MP3 meditation club, other than they’re very effective, and very affordable. 

In fact, they offer a 30 day moneyback guarantee. They say you’ll get an altered state of consciousness, or your money back. This is a claim that not many binaural beats sellers actually do.

9: Deep zen meditation

Deep zen meditation is another fairly new one, but they’re not JUST binaural beats. It’s a package of personal development tools as well. I don’t know much about this one, but they’re an option that you might want to consider. 

10: Free YouTube binaural beats

The last option here, is you could get free binaural beats on YouTube. But here’s the thing:

The free ones rarely work. 

That’s because they’re often downcoded to upload to YouTube, meaning the quality is worse. They’re also often not the same quality or anywhere NEAR as much as it would be it you paid for them.

When you pay for binaural beats, you’re paying for quality. There are a few binaural beats sellers that aren’t super good quality, but all of the ones on this list are HIGH quality.

On YouTube however?

Not quite. On YouTube you’ll find lots of free audio tracks, and some are pretty good but they’ll never be as good quality as the paid ones. It’s up to you, but the risk you’ll be running with the free ones, is that you’ll be wasting your time. 

At least with the paid ones, you can read reviews and see how well they work. Free ones however, not so much.

11: Brainwave Alchemy Custom Tracks

These are interesting, because you can get a custom binaural beats track MADE for you, with your own subliminal and guided meditation messages put into it. This is something none of the others are offering. Just click the link and then look for this package shown below: 

Best binaural beats for studying or concentrating

The best binaural beats products for studying tend to be in the 8-14HZ frequencies range.

This is the frequency levels that will help you focus more, concentrate for longer and get more done at work or school, and the best binaural beats provider for studying packages we’ve found is Binaural Beats Meditation.

Best binaural beats for sleeping, dreaming and lucid dreaming

For sleeping, dreaming and lucid dreaming (although lucid dreaming requires a slightly different frequency) we’ve found that either Ennora or Unexplainable store have the best sleeping or dreaming binaural beats packages.

This varies depending on what LEVEL of dreaming and sleeping you’re after, for example if you want DEEPER sleep then focus on Ennora but for just general sleeping and lucid dreaming, Unexplainable store has what you need.

Binaural beats for meditation

For meditation, what you’ll find is that because more people meditate in the world than lucid dream, there’s MUCH more research and focus on binaural beats for meditation.

More focus means more competition, meaning BETTER products so binaural beats for meditation tend to be the best quality overall and we’ve found that either Holosync or Binaural Beats Meditation are the best.

Benefits of binaural beats

There are several benefits of binaural beats that most people don’t know about. The chances are if you’re reading this you’re aware of the main ones. Otherwise, why would you be looking for the best binaural beat tracks?

Anyway here’s a MASSIVE blog post I wrote about the benefits and effects of binaural beats

If you don’t want to read it, here’s a summary of the main benefits: 

  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Makes falling asleep easier
  • Can support lucid dreaming
  • Improves/helps memory
  • Helps you focus on things
  • Enhances mood and emotions

There are actually over 6 more in the blog post, so go and check it out if you aren’t sold yet!

Final words

If you’re going to be using binaural beats for serious things like focusing or dreaming, you’ll want to read our other posts about them like our guide to binaurals and lucid dreaming or our list of the best headphones to listen to binaural beats with.

Learn how to use binaural beats

If you want to learn more about how to use binaural beats to do incredible things, watch this short video I made. You’ll learn how you can use them more effectively, how to KNOW if the binaural beats you’re using are real or fake, and how to DOUBLE their effectiveness.